8 reasons your business needs video

1. It’s where your customers spend their time – Video is one of the most searched for information sources online and on average, people spend two solid hours on their phones per day. Online video is an important space businesses need to be in to connect and get in front of their customers. Video is even increasing engagement between employees and senior executives.

2. Video lives forever – The earliest recorded film footage was shot in 1888 and can be watched on YouTube. Creating a video is not only cost-effective over time but also a great way to archive where your business is now and the direction you want to head.

3. It’s mobile – Similar to a bus advertisement that drives around the city, seen by hundreds, maybe thousands of people along the route, online video can reach your customers wherever they are. Being where your customers are, and in a mobile case, everywhere, getting your message in front of the masses is key.

4. Video is efficient – Cram more info into a shorter time frame with video as people read at around 140 words per minute and speak at 275 words per minute. Show your customers while engaging them.

5. Allows for realtime interaction – People are more likely to trust your business if a recommendation comes from a friend. Video is easily shared virally and drives purchasing intent. Customers can comment and receive feedback from yourself and other customers instantly. Online discussions have huge purchasing power.

6. Differentiate yourself from your competition – More than likely your competition is considering using video. You can be the one to reach thousands of customers and drive your purchases with clear and effective video messaging.

7. Create an experience for your customers – Different from a static page or image, a quality video will tug at the viewers heart strings and make them fall in love with you. Here are 5 ways to visually connect with your customers.

8. Video is measurable – As far as social media goes, video is one of the most measurable and sharable ventures online. Sites like YouTube and Vimeo offer great analytics outlining who is viewing your video, how long they watch it for, if they share it within their network and more.