Where To Share Your Video

As we touched on previously sharing video is easier than other mediums, as its entire content can be embedded in your Facebook page and webpage, tweeted on Twitter and uploaded to YouTube. But beyond these staples for sharing there are numerous other places you can share your video and build an audience.

Video  Aggregators

A video aggregator is a website dedicated to collecting videos from various sources and organizing them into easy to understand categories. They often have a focus on a specific topic or a certain level of quality. These aggregators have large audiences and offer a community of viewers who are set on sharing videos and even creating their own collections of videos they enjoy. Viral videos are often born from the consensus of these communities about what is great content. Some of the largest video aggregators include YouTube Charts, Veoh, PopScreen, Blip, MetaCafe, and Vimeo. There are dozens of others and each has their own submission requirements and target audiences. So if you want to spread your video, it’s worth looking into aggregators.

Video Podcast

Gone are the days of just creating audio podcasts. With video becoming easier to create and niche markets opening up for contributors, more and more content developers are making video podcasts. Short or long, free or by fee, creating episodes that your audience can follow keeps them coming back. Plus, with companies like iTunes offering to include you in their searchable directory you can utilize their trusted reputation to spread your content.

The Staples of Sharing

Twitter, and Facebook have become a huge part of many peoples lives, often bringing us the latest news and content before the mainstream media. Tapping into the communities that thrive in these social media powerhouses can make the difference between your created video disappearing into obscurity and gathering momentum. Utilizing correct hashtags on twitter can bring your video to a whole new audience. When using Facebook, embedding your video in community pages, on your own page, and on the pages of your friends helps spread your message.

Melissa Jackson is a project assistant extraordinaire at Atomic Spark. A master of multi-tasking and managing miscellany requests she keeps everyone on track while blogging, organizing and whipping up nifty graphics.