Project Description

Joseph Brant Hospital

The Challenge

Joseph Brant Hospital has served the Burlington, Ontario community for almost 60 years.

When the time came to open their new Michael Lee Chin and Family Patient Tower, Joseph Brant Hospital reached out to us about producing a series of videos celebrating the opening. Many on our team at Atomic Spark have received care at Joseph Brant Hospital, so this project had special significance.

Our Approach

The concept we proposed was to tell the story of this success through the eyes of the patients, as they are the end users and have the most transformational experience in the new space.
We were so fortunate to find several patients who were receiving substantial care through JBH who would be positively impacted when the new tower opened. Our aim was to weave together several of these stories together, showing the real transformation the new space had on their personal health journey.
There were several challenges with this project, including filming in a working hospital and working with real patients requiring complex medical care. These factors necessitated extensive planning and scheduling so everyone was well prepared before the filming days

The Results

All stakeholders were pleased with the finished video. Having bright, beautiful spaces to film allowed us
to capture a lot of superb footage, and being able to showcase this through several strong, emotionally engaging patient stories created a powerful video.

The finished video was well received at grand opening celebrations, and has been used online to introduce the community to the new space as well as reinforce the values of the organization.