How Video Inspires the World

People are always looking for new ways to tell their story, share their talents, opinions and abilities with the world and this TED talk makes some great points on how video is inspiring global innovation.

Video allows us to come together online in a group-like setting focused around a common interest. With the explosion of mobile internet, there are more people than ever connecting around these common interests, sharing videos of their talents and accomplishments from around the world.

When new innovation is shared, when someone achieves something new and takes the craft somewhere unfamiliar, there is a personal inspiration to push and better ourselves in the craft.

There is a current evolution in web video to solve problems, present information in an inspirational way and connect people of similar interests.  Organizations need to embrace radical openness – sharing and exposing their inner skills and talents with the world in order to remain relevant in the viral world.

Websites like JoVE and KiberaTV mentioned in Chris’s presentation, save time, money and offer a new level of global innovation all through web video.

It’s an exciting time to inspire and connect locally and globally in a way never before seen in human existence and video is the technology that’s going to share the worlds talents and abilities with millions.