Why storytelling videos are the new marketing buzz

We are a society seeking constant entertainment, creating a video for your business can be the difference between a customer spending two seconds on your website and two minutes. A new trend in online marketing is branded video storytelling and it’s going viral.

Great stories have tension, context and action.

By visually providing an interesting story to associate with your brand, customers begin to personally identify with and reflect on your message. Video storytelling tugs at our heart strings by showing how everyday people relate to and use these products and services.

In a great three-part series, Jonathan Gottschall goes into great detail as to the science behind why stories capture our attention and resonate with us.  “While the brain watches a story, you’ll find something interesting — the brain doesn’t look like a spectator, it looks more like a participant in the action”.  In the second part of his series he goes on to say, “psychological studies show that we don’t get infected by a story unless we are emotionally transported — unless we lose ourselves in the story”.

Through video storytelling we can watch as someone emotionally connects with the brand to overcome obstacles, celebrate milestones, remember their past and create new memories.  It’s this emotional, relatable response that will resonate with us and will keep your business in our mind long after we’ve watched your video.

At Atomic Spark, we can help you create a fantastic, high-quality storytelling video to assist in generating online buzz about your business and products. It’s a sure way to leave a lasting impression on your audience and customers.