Pre-Production: 3 Questions to Ask

3 Questions to Ask During Pre-Production

Taking the leap of faith when producing video content can be overwhelming. You might however, be getting inspired to start bringing your ideas to life. Just think of yourself coming home after a long day at work. What do you do after kicking your shoes off and flopping down on the couch? Perhaps, you start scrolling through content. Whether its a how to video, a feel good rescue video, or of course my fave, food videos, chances are we’re interacting with video and brands.

We’ve used video as a great tool to tell business’s stories the right way. But, like we said above, it can be tricky if your don’t ask the right questions before you begin video production.

Question 1: What do I want my video to say?

This is your videos purpose. Ask yourself or your team, why are we creating a video? New research from Hubspot explores the top reasons brands utilize video.

Goals for branded video

Question 2: Who do you want your video to reach?

Sit down with your team or a pen and paper. Jot down the intended audience that your video can have a positive impact on. Think of their age demographic, sex, location, and interests. There is a difference between target audience and target market.

Question 3: What video format do you want?

Branded videos are meant to capture the attention of your consumer. How can we spread your word using different formats you may ask? We can shoot square, landscape, or vertical video. Let’s get into the details of why formatting is so important.

People are consuming more content than ever because of their mobile phone. Mobile traffic has gone up 222%

Landscape aspect ratio is 16:9. It’s typically used for TV and broadcast. This way of formatting is also seen on Youtube and Vimeo.

Square video with an aspect ratio of 1:1 can be found when wanting to post on social media platforms such as Facebook, and Twitter.

Vertical is now what most content creators are using. This has an aspect ratio of 9:16. Vertical formatting appears longer in the consumers feeds as this takes up the most real estate on a mobile phone.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to creating branded videos. We can set up interviews, highlight your product with a demo, and even take your audience behind the scenes.  These are some of the questions you should be asking when thinking about producing a video. We’re happy to help!